Aviation Organizations ✈

Aviation Organizations   
Women in Aviation International (WAI)
Experimental Aircraft Association (EAA)

WAI's mission is a dedication  to the "encouragement and advancement of women in all aviation career fields and interests." WAI provides scholarships, networking opportunities, programs, seminars, a bi-monthly publication, and many other benefits to its members and supporters. WAI supports virtually every sector of the aviation industry. Their website acknowledges members including "astronauts, corporate pilots, maintenance technicians, [ATC],  business owners, educators, journalists, flight attendants... students, air show performers, airport managers and many others." Each year, WAI hosts a massive professional gathering for its members at a different location across the US each year. This conference attracts thousands of aviation professionals from every sector of the industry. With a total of over 12,000 active members, WAI is a strong community of both men and women invested in aviation professionalism and growth. To me, WAI has been especially important as a resource for connecting to other women in the industry. Mentorship and friendship are pillars of the organization's structure. As an organization, WAI provides support and inspiration to its members. They supply scholarship, information, exposure, and international news for aviation professionals.

EAA's mission is to promote the "Spirit of Aviation" and foster a "vibrant and growing aviation community". EAA also provides scholarships, educational tools, and perhaps most notably, hosts the annual AirVenture Oshkosh event in Wisconsin.
In addition to providing news, scholarships, and educational resources, EAA
often acts as a political voice for GA. EAA advocates on behalf of its members on current issues affecting (or with the potential to affect) GA including ADS-B transition, drone policies, ATC privatization, and more. The organization is comprised of pilots, mechanics, students, and an array of other recreational, GA enthusiasts throughout the country.
After experiencing the EAA's AirVenture at Oshkosh I have a greater appreciation for their role in the industry and community. It is important to me to belong to this organization because of their influence, support, and wealth of resources for GA participants.


Women in Aviation International. (2016). Retrieved January 08, 2018, from https://www.wai.org/

Experimental Aircraft Association Oshkosh, Wisconsin. (2017). Retrieved January 08, 2018, from https://www.eaa.org/eaa


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